

We’ve set up this sitemap to help guide you through our website, so you’ll know where they want to go. Our map especially helps when you haven’t yet found what you’re looking for through the navigation system.

Although helping create a positive experience for every site visitor is our primary focus, there are several more reasons we utilize an HTML sitemap.

Understanding What HTML Sitemaps Are

Website programmers develop HTML sitemap types as a service page convenience for website visitors. The sitemap page typically consists of a clickable list of each page on the website. Moreover, we categorize our page list in a particular order – from the primary “hero” pages down to the lower-level, or as we call them, “child” pages.

Sitemap Benefits

We choose to maintain our sitemap for three primary reasons, and we’ve listed them below as follows –

  1. Organization – When clients have large websites or they prefer to reflect their business expansion on a site, HTML sitemaps help keep the website organized and make it easier to navigate. Overall, we want to ensure site visitors aren’t confused when they click through web pages.
  2. Search Engine Crawlers – Sitemaps are pretty instrumental in helping with the speed of search engine crawlers. For example, for large sites with rich content, sitemaps assist crawlers with finding content and moving information through the queue. As such, crawlers searching through HTML sitemaps also bring attention to content on your most significant web pages once you’ve sent a notification to Google.
  3. Website Visibility – Your sitemap can also help direct search bots in gaining a clearer picture of your website SEO and its purpose. The ultimate goal here is to enable bots to search through the entire site navigation system and enhance search engine visibility.


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